Tuesday, August 4, 2009

After three & a half weeks of back busting work my latest drawing is finished!!

So today at 10:26-10:45 PM of 8/4/09 I have finally finished a drawing I was working.

After many long,difficult,wrist cramping inducing hours,back breaking labor.

I've at last finished coloring & adjusting the anatomy of my drawing of: "Naga's pin up shot". As the heading states above this took three & a half weeks to create & there are obviously noticeable differences & changes in this drawing but I'm pleased with the results of my hard work.

As an artist it fills me with a sense of relief & a bit of contentment that I could pull off a drawing that I thought I could never finish.I've adding some special effects to this picture & think that it really makes it stand out.

Well feel free to give me your opinions on this drawing & tell me what you think of it.

I could use all the constructive critsim I can get.

So today at 10:26-10:45 PM of 8/4/09 I have finally finished a drawing I was working.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Naga's pin up shot part 1 in B & W

Naga's pin up shot part 1 in Black & White or having fun with pens & the things you can use the for!

Today I just finished drawing a new picture of an original character of mine. Her name is Naga(for the time being) and she's a half human/half snake woman with many tattoos on her body. This is a line drawing of her but I'll color it in when I feel like it. It wasn't easy work to do but I'm proud of how it came out.

Well in order for those of you interested in knowing a bit more about this character of mine I'll give you a small Bio.

In an alternate dimension,on a planet in many ways similar & dissimilar to Earth there are a melting pot of different creatures that live side by side with humans & humanoid beings. They get on well for the most part. It's no utopia but it's not half bad either.It's a world were scientific technology is very advanced,crime is relatively low,schools have much better funding particularlly in the special ed department,& sex is not seen as a taboo. In fact while safe sex is not only encouraged but also talked about in an intelligent,conversational way & isn't hidden in the dark.

In that world there are a wide variety of religious sects & cults but several that practice & encourage safe sex with it's priests & priestesses (as long as everyone is at the or above the age of consent...minors are forbidden to engage these types of practices until their 17 & a half years olds at the least.)

Enter Naga,a: young,witty,responsible,laid back,forthright,charming clever & busty snake woman. She's one of the high priestesses who works at one of the local temples as well as having other sorts of jobs. She's very pleased about her job as a priestess & doesn't mind helping others with their worries or troubles( and making some dough a long the way from time to time. She's often topless because for her species it's simple a natural state for her while it does get annoying when one or two asshole thing they can just make a pass at her or treat her like she's a mindless doll.

That usually gets said assholes a swift & harsh tail lashing or clawed then a tail lashing. But for normal people who don't bother in such a distasteful manner she's a a great person to have around & is very dependable.Also,while there are plenty of fertility rituals in the temple she works for she's known to get a bit too enthusiastic(if get my drift *wink wink,nudge nudge*)

And without further ado:Here's the drawing of which I've be yammering on about below...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another drawing of mine. It's called:Star gazing fairy sitting near a mushroom pacth

This is a drawing I did not too long ago. I used a few mixed mediums for this drawing &it wasn't easy to create either. It's a fantasy pin-up drawing and I have to say I'm pretty pleased at how it came out. though to other people it might look to "freaky" in certain regards so if this isn't your sort of thing then please feel free to find something else to view.

Like I stated in the heading this drawing is called: "Star gazing fairy sitting near a mushroom patch". It's pretty much a fairy woman wearing nothing but pasties on her breasts & stripped stocking at night looking at the stars...doing a little pose no less!

Well feel free to comment on this if you want to.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Posting new more adult art.

I've decided that as an artist I should try & post a wide variety of art. That includes some erotic & more "mature" drawings. Since I don't post on this site very often I've chosen to try & perhaps do some more active posting as well as start my own mini art gallery. I'll be post some of my older and newer drawings on here as a way of getting my drawings a bit more exposure as well as trying something a bit more daring once in a while.

The first drawing I've posted is titled: Malice. It's a pin up drawing of an original character of mine from a comic I was working on a while back. I had originally tried posting it on an adult online art gallery but they continue to reject my art. So I've chosen to post some of my art here as well as would love to hear some feed back on my art & get as many opinions on them as possible.

I realized I'm not the world greatest artist but I do have some artistic talent & any constructive feed back on certain areas of my art would be very helpful.

As a side note,I have have an alternative place to show many of my drawings. it's an online art gallery called, Sheezyart. I even have two clubs I've created there where I go by a different screen name. If there might be anyone interested in seeing some of my art, just Google in sheezyart & checkout Rubystar sage's art gallery. That's the handle I go by there so yeah that is if you interested in seeing a wide variety of interesting & unusual art. Not just by me but by many other talented & wonderful artists.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Gender and Sexual hypocrisy


Ok ,I have alot to say and it isn't going to be pleasent or politically correct, but what the hell.
Has anyone ever noticed that in recent news reports concerning student-teacher sex scandels that if the teacher in question is female (particuarly an attractive female with a great body) and the student is a male we (the general public) are less likely to demonize or give out harsh punishments to the teacher and might even start sympathizing with her and think that it maybe that she's just emotionally unbalenced, and that the boy in question is either a complete dumbass for ratting out his teacher and that he should have kept his mouth shut or that most middle aged men start bad mouthing the boy in question. They go off on some rant about how they wish they'd had a hot female teacher to sleep around with and brag about how they'd never blab about the experience to anyone because it would wreck their shot at getting more sex from that teacher (yeah, right guys keep telling yourselves that). But when it's a male teacher caught having sex with a female student suddenly our attitudes do a complete one eighty and we don't even want to hear the reasons why the male teacher did what he did.It's "Lets beat this pervert's ass down!" or "Sick bastards like him should have their nuts chopped off" or "How could he molest an innocent little girl like that?" and concerning the girl who had sex with said older man she is either seen as a victim or a slut who ruined a guy's life and yet when she tries to explain her side nobody is willing to calm down long enough to listen without getting hystrical and start rambling inchoherently and thinking there's noway that she could have liked it and blah,blah,blah....

Now that to me seem mighty fucked up right there.We all know that while we say that we as a "civilized' country say that teachers doing this sort of thing is wrong yet what we really mean is when a male teacher sleeps around with a boy or girls and not when it comes to female teachers.As it stands we have this (false) belife that when a female teacher has sex with a male student it isn't as harmful as men who have sex with underaged girls. The provading myth about women being always loving,kind,understanding,gentle,nuturing etc. has clouded the cold hard fact that women like men can be manipulative,violent,seanky,lying,passive-agressive,judemental,unresponsive, and all around perverse!

If your going to be a teacher the main thing is:Don't have sex with the kids your teaching! it's an abuse of your authority and it is damaging in more ways then you can comprehend and in more ways then i'm going to explain because any rational adult should know what i'm getting at.

And while it's hard to face up to it girls can and do have sex and think about sex just as much as boys do but do to the assumtion over thousands and thousands of years it's the norm to belive that "Good" girls don't ever think of sex and are totally pure and at the mercy of oversexed males and that they need to be watched over until they can find "Good husbands" to submit to them and that if a girl or woman even thinks of anything sexual then it's deemed that she's a "Whore" or a "Bad" person who should be isolated,taughted,riddiculed, and victimized and treated like dirt.While males are even expected to have sex and it's just brushed off as "normal behavior" and even when a female points out the double standards of the way things are most "Normal" people just either: cut her off in mid sentense,look at her as if she has recently grown three heads,and pretend she never said anything.

I find this behavior disturbing and what makes it even more so is that your avgerage person just accepts this without so much as a thought to the insanity of it all.

It makes me wonder if sex is worth it or trying to disspell gender sterotypes in an attempt to get folks get their heads out of their asses but being humans I suppose means just living with the hyopcrisy around you and bullshitting your self to belive living with this obvious self descructiveness is healthy.Oh well see next time