Tuesday, August 4, 2009

After three & a half weeks of back busting work my latest drawing is finished!!

So today at 10:26-10:45 PM of 8/4/09 I have finally finished a drawing I was working.

After many long,difficult,wrist cramping inducing hours,back breaking labor.

I've at last finished coloring & adjusting the anatomy of my drawing of: "Naga's pin up shot". As the heading states above this took three & a half weeks to create & there are obviously noticeable differences & changes in this drawing but I'm pleased with the results of my hard work.

As an artist it fills me with a sense of relief & a bit of contentment that I could pull off a drawing that I thought I could never finish.I've adding some special effects to this picture & think that it really makes it stand out.

Well feel free to give me your opinions on this drawing & tell me what you think of it.

I could use all the constructive critsim I can get.

So today at 10:26-10:45 PM of 8/4/09 I have finally finished a drawing I was working.